Engineering Equity In Education | News
Engineering Equity in Education | A Weekly Publication on Topics in Engineering Education, K-12 Education, Women and Diversity in Engineering | by Meagan Ross
What is Engineering? A workshop model for K-6 Counselors
If children begin career development in elementary school, then it is important for their teachers and counselors to be prepared to introduce all types of careers, especially those that will help us meet the demands of a rapidly changing world such as engineering and science. This proposal for a professional development workshop for K-6 grade school […]
What is Engineering? A Definition of the Profession
Author Meagan Ross, through a brief examination of literature related to the history and philosophy of engineering, describes how engineering is different from science, how engineering is a process of design, and engineering is a valued profession. This brief white paper is a great tool for educators, counselors, and parents who are seeking to understand […]
What is Engineering Education? A Foundation
Author Meagan Ross, in a poignant metaphor, describes an education in engineering as the ultimate foundation. Through personal reflection of her own experiences in engineering education, she inserts the work of Louis Buccarelli, the National Academy of Engineering Reports related to Engineering Education, and the Svinicki & Dixon modified Kolb model to craft a beautiful […]
What is Education? Education is the Ticket…
A poignant metaphor relating education to a ticket that one first discovers, then earns through formal education and personal enriching experiences, and cashes in for life’s adventures. The writings of Nel Noddings, Donald Schon, and Palmer Parker are interlaced throughout this article, presenting a personal reflection and opinion on the value of education.
Technology Provides Enhanced Capabilities for Educating Learners
Technology provides enhanced capabilities for educating learners, and schools should embrace these capabilities to reshape education and to prepare students for the changing world. Collins & Halverson (2009) identify these enhanced capabilities as “just-in-time” learning, customization, learner control, interaction, scaffolding, games & simulation, multimedia, publication, and reflection. These nine enhanced capabilities were aligned with established […]
Power Org Math Features STEMPros
P.O.W.E.R. Organization is a 501c3 organization that helps youth SEE, SAY, and DO Math! The mission of this organization is: To embrace, engage, and empower at-risk youth ages 8-15 in Metropolitan communities to increase their confidence, competency, and proficiency with math. Founder LaToniya Jones authors “spotlights” to provide ongoing awareness about “real people” in STEM careers that […]