Strategies for STEM Education | Bayer

“It’s said the American STEM education pipeline is leaking,” new President of the Bayer MaterialScience North American region, Jerry MacCleary, said as he laid out a series of strategies “to make the pipeline less leaky.” Bayer’s Strategies for improving STEM Education (listed by Reporter Malia Spencer) [list1]<li>Start early to grab student interest in elementary school. Bayer research has […]
Supplemental K-12 Engineering Education

Engineers make a world of difference and help shape our future, and our future depends on us working together to increase the participation of women in engineering. As early as elementary school, students can begin to learn basic principles of engineering such as the design process, incorporate engineering habits of mind – which are essentially […]
Diversity Strategies for STEM
STEM Pathways for All Students, & Linking STEM Careers to Student Work Values: Meagan Ross will be presenting these two workshops at the CTEEC Annual Conference in Tulsa 9/13/12.