Meagan Pollock has been designing and facilitating professional development workshops for counselors and educators on topics of engineering, STEM, and gender equity since 2008. She began this work as a volunteer for High Tech High Heels and it inspired her to return to school in 2009 to earn her PhD in Engineering Education at Purdue University.
Given Meagan has given hundreds of workshops and speeches, she stopped tracking each event in 2013. Here are some selected and notable invited talks and keynotes that indicate the diversity of organizations served:
- “Girls STEM Experience: Engineer Your Future,” University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO, 02/01/18
- “Creating Inclusive Communities for Student Success,” Texas A&M Qatar, Doha, Qatar, 10/24/17
- “We are #STEMpowered! (So hear us roar!),” AAUW’s Great Explorations in STEM, Walla Walla, WA, 03/11/17
- “Mighty Micromessages for Student Success,” Oregon Department of Education, Pendleton, OR, 03/10/17
- “The Building Blocks of an Inclusive Community,” New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM, 08/08/2016
- “Design Your World,” Society of Women Engineers Design Your World Conference, Dallas, TX, 03/28/15
- “Building Courage to Challenge the Status Quo,” Explore Nontraditional Careers Conference, Albuquerque, NM, 09/22/15
- “Unlock the Status Quo: Release a Whole New Engineer,” Engineers Without Borders National Conference, Montreal, CA, 01/16/15
- “Inspiring Future Engineers: Strategies for Role Models,” Northeast Texas Society of Professional Engineers, Bonham, TX, 01/08/15
Previously tracked talks
- ^ Pollock, Meagan (2013). Attracting Future Engineers: Best Practices from K-12 Counselor Professional Development, 2008-2012. Paper presented at WEPAN’s 24th National Conference. Atlanta, GA. [NAPE, 15 minutes, ~40 participants]
- Attracting Future Engineers: STEM Career Tools for Counselors; American Society for Engineering Education K-12 Workshops, June 22, 2013, Atlanta, GA. [NAPE, 75 minutes, ~25 participants]
- ^ Pollock, Meagan (2013). Engineering Educators in Industry: a Case Study of a Doctoral Internship. Paper presented at the 2013 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. [20 minutes, ~20 participants]
- ^ Pollock, Meagan (2013). Equipping an Army of Ambassadors: A Workshop Model for a STEM Career Speaker’s Bureau. Paper presented at the 2013 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. [NAPE, 15 minutes, ~40 participants]
- Focus on Counselors Initiative, National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity Professional Development Institute, April 16, 2013, Arlington, Virginia [NAPE, 75 minutes, 30 participants]
- *STEM Pathways for All, Little Cypress Mauriceville CISD, February 26, 2013, Orange, Texas [3 hours, 17 participants, Workshop Resources]
- STEM Careers: Scavenger Hunt Activity & Counseling Tool, Texas Project Lead the Way Conference, February 25, 2013, Houston, Texas [NAPE, 50 minutes, 65 participants, Workshop Resources]
- STEM Equity Pipeline, Fort Worth, Texas, ISD, Nov 12, 2012. A 3 hour workshop for middle school counselors. [NAPE, ~ 60 participants, Workshop Resources]
- STEM Equity Pipeline, Fort Worth, Texas, ISD, Nov 12, 2012. A 3 hour workshop for high school counselors. [NAPE, ~ 60 participants, Workshop Resources]
- STEM Equity Pipeline, Richardson, Texas, ISD, Nov 13, 2012. A 3 hour workshop for all K-12 Counselors. [NAPE, Workshop Resources]
- Micromessaging to Reach & Teach Every Student, Richardson, Texas, ISD, Nov 13, 2012. [NAPE, 75 min, ~20 participants, Workshop Resources]
- Micromessaging to Reach & Teach Every Student, Plano, Texas, ISD, Nov 14, 2012. [NAPE, 90 minutes, ~30 participants, Workshop Resources]
- STEM Equity Pipeline, Dallas, Texas. Nov 14, 2012. A 2 hour workshop for Education is Freedom Counselors. [NAPE, ~25 participants, Workshop Resources]
- STEM Pathways for All Students. Career & Technical Education Equity Council Annual Conference. Tulsa, OK. September 13, 2012 [NAPE, ~ 15 participants, Workshop Resources]
- Linking STEM Careers to Student Work Values. Career & Technical Education Equity Council Annual Conference. Tulsa, OK. September 13, 2012 [NAPE, ~ 15 participants, Workshop Resources]
- *High Tech High Heels Speaker’s Bureau Training. Dallas, TX. August 14 & 22, 2012.
- Overview of Counselor STEM Career Training with High Tech High Heels since 2008. Presented to National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity Executive Committee. July 18, 2012.
- ^PK-12 Counselors Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors related to Gender and STEM, 119th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, San Antonio, Tx.
- Attracting Future Engineers: A Workshop Preparing Counselors to Confidently Talk to Students about Engineering, Austin, Texas, February 24, 2012 [NAPE, 50 minutes, 96 participants, Workshop Resources]
- Engineering & An Overview of Engineering Products & Efforts, Portland, OR, October 18, 2011
- A 60 minute presentation the FY12 National Sales Meeting
- Attracting Future Engineers: A Workshop Preparing Counselors to Confidently Talk to Students about Engineering, Dallas, Texas, October 11, 2011
- This was a three hour workshop for Dallas ISD High School Career Counselors. [Sponsored by the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity: Educational Foundation, ~30 participants, Workshop Resources]
- ^Preparing Counselors to Advocate STEM Careers: A Professional Development model for K-12 Counselors, ASEE Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, June 28, 2011
- ^Lifelong learning and information literacy skills and the first year engineering undergraduate: Report of a self-assessment, ASEE Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, June 28, 2011, Presented with Ruth Wertz
- Attracting Future Engineers: A Workshop Preparing K-8 Counselors to Confidently Talk to Students about Engineering, Vancouver, BC, June 25, 2011
- This was a 75 minute workshop presented at the 2011 American Society for Engineering Education Workshops on K-12 Engineering Education Conference. ~15 participants, Workshop Resources
- *Engineer Your Future, Girls Inc. Summer Camp, Dallas, TX, June 17, 2011
- A 90 minute interactive workshop encouraging girls to understand and consider engineering as a career option.
- Empowering Girls to Experience STEM, Plano, Texas, April 8, 2011
- This was a 90 minute workshop for the Girl Scouts of Texas STEM Conference. [Sponsored by the Women of TI Fund, ~ 40 participants, Workshop Resources]
- What is Engineering?, T-STEM Gender Equity Workshop, Dallas, Texas, December 1, 2010
- This was a 90 minute workshop on engineering, and it’s gender disparity. [Sponsored by the Women of TI Fund, ~25 participants, Workshop Resources]
- Importance of Science & Math Education for Student Careers, Plano Texas ISD, November 30, 2010
- This workshop was two hours for 120 K-12 Counselors [Sponsored by the Women of TI Fund, Workshop Resources]
- What is Engineering? Education is Freedom Counselors, November 30, 2010
- This workshop was 90 minutes with 30-40 Counselors working with Dallas ISD [Sponsored by the Women of TI Fund, Workshop Resources]
- ^Developing Curious and Persistent Continuous Learners: Articulating and Assessing the Role of Information Skills in the First-Year Engineering Curriculum, Purdue Engineering Education Open House Poster Presentation, October 6, 2010
- Region X Workshop, Mesquite, TX, June 2010
- An interactive and engaging session where participants learned about engineering & it’s gender gap. I used real life current examples, engaging activities, and facilitated dynamic discussions which led to specific applications for the participants. We had 11 participants, most of which were counselors and administrators.
- Sponsored by the Women of TI Fund
- *”Careers Outside Academia,” Purdue Graduate Mentoring Program Panel, 2010 April 21
- Institute for P-12 Engineering & Research Institute – Arlington, Texas Summer Academy, August 2009
- Led interactive workshops educating 2nd -5th grade teachers on engineering lessons that can be integrated into their classroom. Lesson was based on the Boston Museum of Science “Engineering is Elementary” modules.
- Institute for P-12 Engineering & Research Institute – National Summer Academy, Purdue University, July 2009
- Led interactive workshops educating 2nd -5th grade teachers on engineering lessons that can be integrated into their classroom. Lesson was based on the Boston Museum of Science “Engineering is Elementary” modules.
- *What is Engineering? Career Day at The Hockaday School, Dallas, Texas, April 2009
- Presented with Wanda Gass, TI Fellow
- *Plano, Texas ISD College Week 2009
- Presented before middle school (4th & 5thgrades) groups about the fun of engineering and the value an education in engineering can provide.
- 1/13/2009 Andrews Elementary (1 presentation, ~300 students)
- 1/12/2009 Thomas Elementary (2 presentations, ~150 students each)
- 1/8/2009 Bethany Elementary (1 presentation, ~40 students)
- Women in Engineering Seminar for parents and daughters in 4th & 5th grade, ~30 people, 1/15/2009
- Presented before middle school (4th & 5thgrades) groups about the fun of engineering and the value an education in engineering can provide.
- *Career Workshop, Engineering, Plano ISD, 10/23-24/2008
- Responsible for leading and coordinating the team that develops the counselor career workshops. Led the team to create, organize, and facilitate a career workshop on engineering for all Plano ISD counselors (elementary through high school, ~150 Counselors).
- *7/31/2008: Keynote speaker for the closing ceremony for the Dallas Tex PREP Program at Eastfield College in Mesquite. The program was for 21 middle school minority students. They completed a rigorous 7 weeks of engineering study focused on problem solving. (~150 people)
- *7/30/2008: Mentoring -Met with a female junior in high school, a daughter of a fellow TI employee, to discuss the value of pursuing an education in engineering and future career options.
- *7/22/2008: Presented a hands-on demo “How to make an integrated circuit” for a teacher/counselor training program as a fun application the educators can use to incorporate engineering applications in their middle-school age classrooms. After the demo, sat on a “Women in Engineering” panel where the educators inquired about our experiences and how to engage girls and minorities to pursue STEM careers.
- *6/11/2008: TI Take Your Sons & Daughters to Work Day, Assisted in program development for high school students; Participated in a skit on how the DMD works.
- *6/10/2008: TI Executive Educator Internship Program, Panel on ‘Women in Engineering’
- *4/25/2008: Sally Ride Science Festival, SMU, Dallas, Presented 3 workshops entitled “How to fit a Ham Sandwich in your Ipod” for middle school (4th & 5th grade) girls.
* Indicates volunteer work
^ Indicates research presentation at a conference