“You don’t belong here.”
Two nearly identical and maddening workplace stories of gender discrimination, 66 years apart, and what we can do to change the narrative.
Dr. Pollock’s company, Engineer Inclusion, helps people intentionally and systematically engineer equity and inclusion into their organizations: driving positive outcomes and effectively supporting employees and the community. Leveraging engineering thinking, process-improvement, and research-based inclusion strategies, Engineer Inclusion is uniquely equipped to help industry, education, and community organizations reach their diversity, equity and inclusion goals. Through professional development workshops, speeches, resources, and consulting, we are partners with educational and community organizations, as well as industry.
How can Meagan help?
Meagan speaks and teaches to inspire and initiate change, and has been doing so since 2008. Contact Meagan for staff professional development workshops, keynote speeches, and consulting on topics related to engineering, education, and equity.
A designer and writer at heart, Meagan develops books, guides, and tools to help herself and others take action towards a more equitable and just world.
There is much to learn about equity in education, the workforce, and in our communities. We are each on a journey of discovery, and Meagan shares resources from her journey to help others on theirs. Plus, tune-in to her free webinars!
Just released
In using these books, I hope that you inspire awareness, initiate action, and lead change.
I’m excited to introduce a new webinar series designed to help anyone increase their social awareness and equip themselves with tools for action. If you want to live in a more just world, then I hope you will tune-in! Let’s work together to make the world better!
Two nearly identical and maddening workplace stories of gender discrimination, 66 years apart, and what we can do to change the narrative.
The simple answer is because it normalizes the sharing of pronouns for more inclusive spaces. In this post, I include important definitions framing your understanding of why pronouns matter. I then offer a brief explanation on gender-neutral pronouns, offer my recommendations for what you can do, and answer a few frequently asked questions.
Confidence is an informal, popularized term to describe the intersection of self-efficacy, self-esteem, self-concept, and identity — all key constructs that affect our motivation, performance, and persistence.
Growth Mindset remains one of my most favorite things to teach because with small modifications we can see big changes in ourselves and those around us. This page is a collection of helpful mindset resources for educators.
Access the complete set of 11 posters featuring people in nontraditional CTE careers. Simple in design, yet colorful and eye-catching, these posters challenge gender norms for nontraditional careers.
Finding the egg would have won me a $1000 prize. Not finding the egg won me an egg once worth $1000, and a good anecdote for explaining schemas and implicit bias.
An international speaker, teacher, engineer, and equity leader, Meagan’s mission is to provide services, tools, and resources that inspire awareness and initiate action.
We acknowledge that we gather in Dallas, Texas, on the unceded land of the Kiikaapoi and Witchita Peoples. Colonizers excised these indigenous groups from their traditional land through forced removal. We honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations. We invite you to learn more about land acknowledgments here and search for the traditional stewards of the land where you live and work here.
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