Key Engineering Education Reports

Here are eight key reports from The National Academies Press by The National Academy of Engineering related to engineering education. These reports guide future research and inform policy. Each of these can be read in full online, or you can simply view the executive summaries for a brief overview. Changing the Conversation: Messages for Improving Public […]
Evaluation Framework for Engineering Education Curriculum

This paper introduces a framework and rubric for evaluation of K-12 engineering education curriculum, based on engineering education literature and the Wiggins & McTighe process known as Backwards Design. This process is an alignment of content, assessment, and pedagogy, the three components used as the measure of quality programmatic elements. The rubric defined in this paper will be useful to teachers, administrators, and curriculum developers of engineering education curriculum.
What is Education? Education is the Ticket…

A poignant metaphor relating education to a ticket that one first discovers, then earns through formal education and personal enriching experiences, and cashes in for life’s adventures. The writings of Nel Noddings, Donald Schon, and Palmer Parker are interlaced throughout this article, presenting a personal reflection and opinion on the value of education.
Supplemental K-12 Engineering Education

Engineers make a world of difference and help shape our future, and our future depends on us working together to increase the participation of women in engineering. As early as elementary school, students can begin to learn basic principles of engineering such as the design process, incorporate engineering habits of mind – which are essentially […]
Chocolate-covered Broccoli? Not the Roominate!
Making a toy pink or shaped like an animal is not a sure fire way to attract young women, though the toy makers have tried. If a girl doesn’t like the toy, or if our culture tells a young female that she shouldn’t like a toy based on gender stereotypes, making assumptions on what is […]