
Engineering Focus

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Engineering Focus Publications are designed as guides to help Speakers, Parents, and Educators talk to Young Women about Careers in Engineering.

Brief & Informative Publications to help parents, educators, and speakers talk to young women about careers in engineering.

Help Girls Engineer Their Future- Engineering Focus E-Reader for Speakers Help Your Daughter Engineer Her Future- Engineering Focus E-Reader for ParentsHelp Female Students Engineering their Future- Engineering Focus E-Reader for Educators

In order to sustain US capacity and increase global competitiveness for technological innovations, it is essential for people from a diverse representation of cultures, ages, and gender to enter science, technology, engineering, and mathematics occupations.  A diverse workforce creates competitive advantage through greater creativity and innovation, and increased quality of team problem solving. Despite the substantial demand for engineers and tremendous value of diversity, women continue to be significantly underrepresented in engineering fields. In order to effectively compete in the global marketplace, it is imperative that we advance the full and equitable participation of all Americans in science, engineering, and technology fields.

The first volume of Engineering Focus is designed to prepare readers to advocate for engineering to a variety of audiences, with the goal of increasing the number of students entering engineering. There are three issues designed to prepare speakers, volunteers, mentors, parents, family, counselors, teachers, and educators to advocate careers in engineering to girls. We must focus our efforts to effectively reach and encourage girls to consider a future career in engineering in order to positively influence the increasing disparity in the field.

High Tech High Heels
This project was funded by
High Tech High Heels


Slides & Worksheets for Presentations to High School Girls, Parents

Are you preparing to give a presentation on engineering to high school girls? Or how about a presentation to parents of high school girls? You can download slides and worksheets here.

Explore Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

Want to know more about careers in science, technology, engineering, or math? Browse through detailed information on over 100 careers to discover what scientists really do and what it takes to prepare for these careers. Each career profile provides basic career information such as salary, job outlook, degree requirements, etc. Also included  are videos featuring interviews with real scientists or on the job profiles.

Engineer Your Life: a guide to engineering careers for high school girls!

Engineer Your Life is a guide to engineering careers for high school girls!  This site challenges young women to imagine what life would be like without pollution controls to preserve the environment, life-saving medical equipment, or low-cost building materials for fighting global poverty.  All this takes engineering. In very real and concrete ways, women who become engineers save lives, prevent disease, reduce poverty, and protect our planet.  Dream Big. Love what you do.  Become an engineer.  Tools for counselors & parents, too!

[list2]Ten Great Reasons a Young Girl will Love Engineering![/list2]

Grand Challenges for Engineering

The NAE Committee on Engineering’s Grand Challenges has identified 14 areas awaiting engineering solutions in the 21st century. Find a video here. These are great conversation starters for conversations!

Additional Recommended Reading





For non-flash displaying devices:

  1. Changing the Conversation: Messages for Improving Public Understanding of Engineering (2008)
  2. Technically Speaking: Why All Americans Need to Know More About Technology (2002)
  3. Engineering in K-12 Education: Understanding the Status and Improving the Prospects (2009)

Personal Reflection: Are you Gender Biased? 

All of us have biases. What is important is to be aware of our biases and so that we can adjust our behavior. Did you know, about 70% of more than half a million Implicit Association Tests completed by citizens of 34 countries revealed expected implicit stereotypes associating science with males more than with females? Take the Implicit Association Test to find out your bias relating to gender, careers and science. Let your score inform you and inspire you to influence change! Gender-Career IATGender-Science IAT

  1. go to https://implicit.harvard.edu/
  2. select demonstration
  3. select “go to demonstration tests”
  4. select “I wish to proceed”

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