Are you committed to increasing the next generation’s awarenessof the importance and value of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers? Are you prepared to spark students’ interestin exciting STEM careers? Do you have the tools you need to bolster student confidence, so that they will choose a STEM career?
Let’s get the message out! STEM careers make a world of difference and help shape our future.
Not only do students need role models from STEM disciplines, they need a better understanding of the vast opportunities available to them in STEM. Volunteer for your local Technology Speaker’s Bureau, or contact a school near you and offer to speak to students! The speaker tools provided on this page are grounded in academic literature, and are designed to prepare you to use proper messaging when volunteering as a speaker for STEM careers. The statistics were up to date at the time of creation, but may change slightly over time. Check back every so often and see what is new!
Share your story, and inspire someone’s journey.
Please use the reply feature below to share your thoughts, experiences, and tips to help other volunteer speakers. Contact Meagan Pollock if you have any questions or concerns.
Role Models Matter! Toolkit for STEM Professionals
The Role Models Matter Online Training Toolkit will help you develop skills to engage girls and underrepresented youth in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) through readings, videos, questions, and more. Role models play a vital role in getting youth excited about careers in STEM. Get prepared today!
Spark 101
Spark 101 delivers dynamic, real-world STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) content to classrooms. Its mission is to engagestudents, educators, and organizations. To connect everyday problems that companies face to classroom teaching and learning. And to inspire students to pursue STEM careers. The program leverages short, interactive videos; educator resources; industry ties; and the success of the 114th Partnership, a national non-profit focused on graduating all students prepared and inspired to thrive in college and careers.
Engineering Focus – an eReader summary of key messages
In a newsletter style format, these e-readers are quick and simple overviews of the messaging we want to use when talking to students, particularly young women, about careers in Engineering. The first volume of Engineering Focus is designed to prepare readers to advocate for engineering to a variety of audiences, with the goal of increasing the number of students entering engineering. There are three issues designed to prepare speakers, parents, and educators to advocate careers in engineering to girls.
Presentations & Worksheets (Engineering)
Preparing to speak to high school girls? Download a presentation designed to encourage high school girls who are already interested in math and science to pursue an education and career in engineering. Student worksheet and speaker’s notes included. Pick and choose the slides you want depending on the length of your presentation.
Preparing to speak to parents of high school girls? Download a presentation designed to show parents the exciting opportunities for girls in engineering, and highlight of some of the roadblocks their daughters might face on the way to these careers. Parent worksheet and speaker’s notes included. Pick and choose the slides you want depending on the length of your presentation.
Science Buddies
Want to know more about careers in STEM? Browse through detailed information on over 100 careers to discover what STEM professionals really do and what it takes to prepare for these careers. Each career profile provides basic career information such as salary, job outlook, degree requirements, etc. Also included are videos featuring interviews with real scientists or on the job profiles. Explore now!
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook
(includes median pay data, entry level education requirement, and job descriptions for occupations in each of fields)
Engineer Your Life: a guide to engineering careers for high school girls!
Engineer Your Life! Imagine what life would be like without pollution controls to preserve the environment, life-saving medical equipment, or low-cost building materials for fighting global poverty. All this takes engineering. In very real and concrete ways, women who become engineers save lives, prevent disease, reduce poverty, and protect our planet. Dream Big. Love what you do. Become an engineer. Tools for counselors & parents, too!
Grand Challenges for Engineering
The NAE Committee on Engineering’s Grand Challenges has identified 14 areas awaiting engineering solutions in the 21st century. Watch a video here.