“Sticky” Feedback to Boost Self-efficacy and Motivation

Feedback and support from others is a source of our self-efficacy — the belief we have in ourselves to accomplish a task. Using a simple formula, we can adjust our feedback to be a super-booster for self-efficacy in others, through what I call, “Sticky Feedback.” Check out this video to learn how you can better encourage others to reach their goals.
Uncomfortable: Implications of Race, Class & Gender for the Classroom

No matter how comfortable I am sitting here at my desk overlooking the Caribbean sea, what I did not expect is how uncomfortable I would be when I leave the home I have made for myself here. Read about how I am experiencing race, gender, and class in a new way, and consider the implications for your classroom.

Is it STEM or STEAM? Why not STREAM? This battle of acronyms makes me want to SCREAM! I am not sure how long the acronym STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) has been around, but the new buzzword is STEAM (sprinkle in the Arts), and it seems to be gaining steam in popularity. Why not […]
Strategies for STEM Education | Bayer

“It’s said the American STEM education pipeline is leaking,” new President of the Bayer MaterialScience North American region, Jerry MacCleary, said as he laid out a series of strategies “to make the pipeline less leaky.” Bayer’s Strategies for improving STEM Education (listed by Reporter Malia Spencer) [list1]<li>Start early to grab student interest in elementary school. Bayer research has […]
What is Education? Education is the Ticket…

A poignant metaphor relating education to a ticket that one first discovers, then earns through formal education and personal enriching experiences, and cashes in for life’s adventures. The writings of Nel Noddings, Donald Schon, and Palmer Parker are interlaced throughout this article, presenting a personal reflection and opinion on the value of education.