Summer 2013 Conferences

As a nascent scholar, and near doctoral graduate, conferences offer incredible opportunities to present my work, learn from others, and build my network. This page serves as a landing page for a professional flyer I’ve created about me, my current work, and my summer 2013 conference presentations.
I am a Big Beacon Ambassador

When in high school, I remember deciding one of my life goals was to become a U.S. Ambassador. I’d never met one, but I liked the idea of representing something I was proud of in a foreign environment. Here I am, 30, and certainly not on a path to becoming an Ambassador to my country, […]
Leadership Comes Full Circle

Being a leader means many things, but one of the most important qualities is that someone actually follows your lead. Here I was talking to the man that inspired my mission to share my work and contribute to something greater than myself. He challenged me to share, and that is exactly what drew him to my website this week. I was blown away at how small the world had just become, and how one man’s mission to lead had come full circle…