If I had a $1,000,000…. for “STEM” Education.

Lockheed Martin has granted $1 million to implement and sustain Project Lead the Way programs across the U.S. If I had a million dollars, (as I start humming Barenaked Ladies) How would I improve STEM education?
Cubiclephobia: Death of the cubicle

Is a job about producing value or about being seen in your cube when your manager walks by? Is a job about creating, innovating, and leading, or being tethered to a grey cubicle? How do you think outside the box, if the box you are assigned to stifles all creativity and innovation? In the late […]
Women in STEM: Wanda Gass

A renowned leader, both technically and civically, Wanda Gass has worked diligently to improve the workplace environment for women engineers and to empower girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math. Wanda worked at Texas Instruments (TI) for the last thirty years, where she became one of the highest ranking female technical leaders […]
Women in STEM: Erna Schneider Hoover

A pioneer in her field, Erna Schneider Hoover overcame countless challenges in a man’s world. If not for women like Erna who have worked to improve the landscape for women in technical fields, people like myself, a young female engineer, would not have the opportunities we are frequently afforded today. Read Mrs. Hoover’s biography…
Strategies for STEM Education | Bayer

“It’s said the American STEM education pipeline is leaking,” new President of the Bayer MaterialScience North American region, Jerry MacCleary, said as he laid out a series of strategies “to make the pipeline less leaky.” Bayer’s Strategies for improving STEM Education (listed by Reporter Malia Spencer) [list1]<li>Start early to grab student interest in elementary school. Bayer research has […]
What is Engineering? A Definition of the Profession

Author Meagan Ross, through a brief examination of literature related to the history and philosophy of engineering, describes how engineering is different from science, how engineering is a process of design, and engineering is a valued profession. This brief white paper is a great tool for educators, counselors, and parents who are seeking to understand […]
Google Algorithms for Women in Tech

Google uses algorithms to recruit and retain more women. Does it work? Women are significantly underrepresented in technology, and especially in leadership positions at technology companies, and they shouldn’t be. “Having women leaders is not just a question of equity or somehow ticking the box,” said Sylvia Ann Hewlett, who studies gender diversity and business at […]