Infinite Potential

Guest Post by Justin Walters: A few days ago on a lazy Sunday, I sat down at our kitchen table with my eight-year-old daughter, Claire, to eat a snack. We engaged in our usual chit-chat as I tried my best to appreciate this little bit of time we had alone together, time that seems to grow ever more scarce as she grows older. Suddenly, out of the blue, she asked me a strange question.

Is it STEM or STEAM? Why not STREAM? This battle of acronyms makes me want to SCREAM! I am not sure how long the acronym STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) has been around, but the new buzzword is STEAM (sprinkle in the Arts), and it seems to be gaining steam in popularity. Why not […]
Women in STEM: Wanda Gass

A renowned leader, both technically and civically, Wanda Gass has worked diligently to improve the workplace environment for women engineers and to empower girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math. Wanda worked at Texas Instruments (TI) for the last thirty years, where she became one of the highest ranking female technical leaders […]
Women in STEM: Erna Schneider Hoover

A pioneer in her field, Erna Schneider Hoover overcame countless challenges in a man’s world. If not for women like Erna who have worked to improve the landscape for women in technical fields, people like myself, a young female engineer, would not have the opportunities we are frequently afforded today. Read Mrs. Hoover’s biography…
Equipping an Army

The mission of the High Tech High Heels Speakers Bureau is to inspire and encourage middle school and high school students, especially the under-represented, to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields. On 8/14 and 8/22, Meagan Ross facilitated the inaugural training workshops, an effort to “Equip an Army” of volunteers to go forth […]
Diversity Strategies for STEM
STEM Pathways for All Students, & Linking STEM Careers to Student Work Values: Meagan Ross will be presenting these two workshops at the CTEEC Annual Conference in Tulsa 9/13/12.