Confidence or Self-efficacy?
Confidence is an informal, popularized term to describe the intersection of self-efficacy, self-esteem, self-concept, and identity — all key constructs that affect our motivation, performance, and persistence.
A Case for Engineering in K-12
In order to meet the forecasted demands for U.S. Labor in technical areas that require scientific and mathematical training, it is imperative that educators and students begin to understand STEM professions and the role of engineers. By advocating science and math in a more holistic, inclusive and social context, more students will develop confidence in these subjects and be prepared to pursue a career in engineering. This article is useful for parents, educators, counselors, and administrators.
What is Design? Design is Creativity Unleashed
Can you teach creativity in design? YES! By providing opportunity for students to learn to construct their own problems and to become comfortable with ambiguity all within an environment that fosters independent resourcefulness, a student can develop creativity. If we want to educate engineers to be expert designers, it is best to start this process early so that it becomes an adaptive expertise.
Leadership Comes Full Circle
Being a leader means many things, but one of the most important qualities is that someone actually follows your lead. Here I was talking to the man that inspired my mission to share my work and contribute to something greater than myself. He challenged me to share, and that is exactly what drew him to my website this week. I was blown away at how small the world had just become, and how one man’s mission to lead had come full circle…
Key Engineering Education Reports
Here are eight key reports from The National Academies Press by The National Academy of Engineering related to engineering education. These reports guide future research and inform policy. Each of these can be read in full online, or you can simply view the executive summaries for a brief overview. Changing the Conversation: Messages for Improving Public […]
Top 4 Attributes: <br> University Engineering Education Programs
With the current direction of education reform, and the national priority to improve STEM education, a focus on engineering education will become vital for universities in order to produce engineering graduates that meet industry needs, and educators equipped to teach the next generation of engineers. Read for four key attributes for a university engineering education program.
Strategies for STEM Education | Bayer
“It’s said the American STEM education pipeline is leaking,” new President of the Bayer MaterialScience North American region, Jerry MacCleary, said as he laid out a series of strategies “to make the pipeline less leaky.” Bayer’s Strategies for improving STEM Education (listed by Reporter Malia Spencer) [list1]<li>Start early to grab student interest in elementary school. Bayer research has […]
What is Engineering Education? A Foundation
Author Meagan Ross, in a poignant metaphor, describes an education in engineering as the ultimate foundation. Through personal reflection of her own experiences in engineering education, she inserts the work of Louis Buccarelli, the National Academy of Engineering Reports related to Engineering Education, and the Svinicki & Dixon modified Kolb model to craft a beautiful […]
What is Education? Education is the Ticket…
A poignant metaphor relating education to a ticket that one first discovers, then earns through formal education and personal enriching experiences, and cashes in for life’s adventures. The writings of Nel Noddings, Donald Schon, and Palmer Parker are interlaced throughout this article, presenting a personal reflection and opinion on the value of education.
Iran Bans Women from Engineering
For the coming academic year, 36 Iranian universities have closed 77 academic fields to women, including the many disciplines of engineering. How can we help the women in Iran who want to study engineering?