“You don’t belong here.”
Two nearly identical and maddening workplace stories of gender discrimination, 66 years apart, and what we can do to change the narrative.
Why I Put Pronouns on my Email Signature, Social Media Profiles, and Nametags, and Why You Should Too
The simple answer is because it normalizes the sharing of pronouns for more inclusive spaces. In this post, I include important definitions framing your understanding of why pronouns matter. I then offer a brief explanation on gender-neutral pronouns, offer my recommendations for what you can do, and answer a few frequently asked questions.
Confidence or Self-efficacy?
Confidence is an informal, popularized term to describe the intersection of self-efficacy, self-esteem, self-concept, and identity — all key constructs that affect our motivation, performance, and persistence.
Mindset Resources
Growth Mindset remains one of my most favorite things to teach because with small modifications we can see big changes in ourselves and those around us. This page is a collection of helpful mindset resources for educators.
Free posters for Nontraditional CTE Careers
Access the complete set of 11 posters featuring people in nontraditional CTE careers. Simple in design, yet colorful and eye-catching, these posters challenge gender norms for nontraditional careers.
Purdue Engineering Education Podcast
Summer 2018, I was interviewed by one of my professors from Purdue University for her podcast, Engineering Education Research Briefs. Fast forward to 16:40 to hear my portion.
NSEE 2019
Self-Efficacy and Explore Nontraditional Careers Pre-Conference Workshop Resources Download the Self-Efficacy workshop slide handouts Download the Explore Nontrad Careers workshop slide handouts Startling Statements (latest version with 2017 figures) Danger of the Single Story $1000 Egg: Implicit Bias and Schemas Self-Efficacy and Sticky Feedback Program Improvement Process for Equity: Pre-Conference Workshop Resources Download the PIPE […]
The Case of the Missing $1000 Egg: A Tale of Schemas and Implicit Bias
Finding the egg would have won me a $1000 prize. Not finding the egg won me an egg once worth $1000, and a good anecdote for explaining schemas and implicit bias.
“Sticky” Feedback to Boost Self-efficacy and Motivation
Feedback and support from others is a source of our self-efficacy — the belief we have in ourselves to accomplish a task. Using a simple formula, we can adjust our feedback to be a super-booster for self-efficacy in others, through what I call, “Sticky Feedback.” Check out this video to learn how you can better encourage others to reach their goals.
Obituary: Mr. Nerd Geek Stereotype
Mr. Nerd Geek Stereotype, was reported missing and presumed dead on January 1, 2019. Multiple conflicting reports confuse investigators of his last whereabouts. Accounts vary, but one thing is certain: Mr. Nerd Geek Stereotype should not be missed.